Straight From The Pros

How to Build Trust with Consent Management Services

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Consent Management

Trust and personal data handling are closely linked in the modern world. People are tired of having their personal data sold to third-party advertisers or being put at risk by poor-quality data security. Most people don’t want to share their data if they can help it, and the ever-increasing legislature protecting consumer data has increased the need to carefully navigate consent management within each one of your customer relationships.

How can your brand establish trust with customers, securing the data you need while also reassuring your audience that their data is safe in your hands? As data consent specialists, we can help.

Be Honest About the Data’s Purpose

First, be honest and transparent about how the data will be used. Let customers know that you’re personalizing their experience and even that you’d like to track your brand’s internal success metrics. Share the benefits of data collection by providing a personalized website experience and offering custom-tailored deals designed to delight customers as a result of sharing their data.

Make It Easy to Opt Out – And Opt Back In

Nothing loses trust faster than a hard-to-opt-out consent form. Consent requests are mandatory according to several data protection regulations, now. The fewer clicks it requires for customers to opt out of sharing their data, the more they believe that you are not trying to trick or trap them.

Of course, your goal is to collect data, so where is the balance? The answer is to also make it easy to opt back in. Include data sharing in each customer’s profile preferences or as part of the hamburger menu so if they miss personalized offers, they can opt in or out at any time.

Reassure Customers with Security Standards

Let your customers know that your company takes security seriously. Achieve recognized security standards – complete with audits and certifications – and then share your security level as a badge of honor. Reassure customers that protecting their data is a paramount priority and that your company is doing everything possible to ensure they are not put at risk by entrusting you with their precious details.

The No Advertiser Pledge

Many people are uncomfortable after discovering just how many websites instantly resell their data through third-party cookies and trackers. There’s a reason Google is transitioning away from cookies as a whole. Making an honest promise not to re-sell customer information without their explicit consent can go a long way to mend that recently discovered breach of trust between consumers and the online commercial world.

Make it Relatable with Light Humor

Be a little bit funny about it. Just a touch of humor can go a long way in breaking the ice about our shared data discomfort. Some playful brands have pop-ups that say “We’d love to give you a cookie”. Or you might share a cartoon, protecting customer data like a celebrity is protected from paparazzi at an award show. Or you might just say “We love data!” with an image of a joyful person frolicking in charts and graphs.

If customers smile when they see your consent message, it fosters understanding, connection, and the foundations of trust.

Partner with a Consent Management Service to Build Trust with Your Customers

Of course, no matter your approach to data consent, compliance is an essential element. The best way to build trust with your customers and ensure your website is fully compliant with all national, state, and international data handling regulations is to work with a consent management service. We can help you craft a relatable, honest, and compliant online consent platform that both customers and regulatory bodies can agree on.

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